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Printable Flyers

We need your help to launch an international Helping Cristina.org flyer campaign!

1. Choose one of the two flyer options below and print a flyer out.

2. Hang the flyer in a public location:

  • Grocery Store
  • Office
  • Shops
  • Restaurants
  • Cafeterias
  • Coffee Shops
  • Church

3. Take a photo of your flyer hanging (you can be in it too) and Post it on Cristina's Facebook Wall or Send it to Us by Email so we can post it here on the website.

4. Be sure to add your city, province or state, and country so we can tag your photo with it. If you'd like to send us the name of the business that let you hang it up in their establishment we'll include that too with a link to their website if they have one and you send it to us.

5. Be sure to go back and check on your flyer from time to time so if all of the tear away tabs are gone you can replace them.

Option #1
Option #2
Flyer written in Italian

Stampate i flyer per aiutare Cristina

Perfavore aiutateci a spargere la voce
usando questi volantini stampabili in formato PDF ad alta risoluzione e le strisce strappabili
con il nome del sito internet www.helpcristina.org

Ciccate qui per stampare volantini

Cliccate qui per stampare le strisce strappabili

Stampateli e affissateli in qualsiasi posto abbia una buona visibilita`.


How You Can Help Cristina
  1. Join Canada's www.OneMatch.ca
  2. Join the United States' www.BeTheMatch.com
  3. Join Italy's Italian Bone Marrow Donor Registry.
  4. Click here for more registries worldwide.
  5. Ask others to join their local registries by word of mouth, email, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or blogging.
  6. Like Cristina's Facebook Page for updates.
  7. Follow her on Twitter and tweet #HopeForCristina
  8. Print Cristina's flyers and hang them where you work, shop, etc.

Print a Flyer

Please Share This Website:

In Canada please join One Match

One Match

Click Here to learn how to join the registry
or help spread the word to help Cristina.


Age requirements:
17 to 50 years to join

Registering is pain free, done with a cotton swab.

In the United States please join Be The Match
Be The Match

Join www.BeTheMatch.com and/or Host a drive in the US to help Cristina and the other 6000 US patients in need.

Join Now Online
by ordering a test kit

Join in Person
at a live donor drive

Age requirements:
18 to 60 years to join

Registering is pain free, done with a cotton swab.

In Italy please join the IBMDR


Italian Bone Marrow
Donor Registry

Age requirements:
18-55 years to join

Registering is pain free, done with a cotton swab.

Press and Publicity

Aiutateci, a Cristina serve un trapianto - Corriere.com


•  Social media used to find bone marrow donor - Global News (Video)

Woodbridge family uses social media in search for transplant - CBC News

Family using social media to find bone marrow match (News Video) - CityNews Toronto

Woman with rare disease needs bone morrow donor - Healthzone.ca

• Are you of Italian ancestry or know someone who is? - TheFlirtyBlog.com

Woman needs life-saving match - www.mississauga.com

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